Marijuana in Canada is legal both medically and recreationally. It was legalized on 30 July 2001 under outlined conditions in the marihuana for medical regulations and purposes. Canada is the second country to legalize marijuana in the world after Uruguay. This allows for cultivation, acquisition, possession and consumption of the by-products. Among the G7 AND G20 nations, Canada was the first one to make it legal. Before its legalization, it was banned way back in 1923. Now you can legally enjoy WeedSmart dispensary.
The legalization cannabis Act, Bill c-45 was passed in the house of commons of Canada in 27 November, 2017. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said that its recreational use will no longer be a criminal offence as of 17 Oct, 2018. However, it limits home production, consumption and distribution, areas of consumption and times of sale. It was then removed from the controlled drug and substances act.
Taxation and punishment are however implemented on those convicted of giving or selling it to minors or of use while driving a motor vehicle. Since then, there are on-line sales of marijuana for recreational use. Most provinces have storefront operations selling marijuana either run by the government or privately owned. The retailers are still limited. It was initially thought that the U.S. being so close would also legalize it but so far, medical or recreational cannabis is legal in 33 states.
National banks have not gotten involved so cannabis companies are struggling to get loans or lines of credit. Canada?s legalization is rolling out smoothly. The government took time to do task force to create a bill that addresses many issues leading to legalization. Provinces have the ability to ban its recreational use. There is an institution of taxes on marijuana and so far everything seems to work well. It generates revenue and also faces away from the black market. There is an imposition of 10 percent of $1 Canadian per gram of marijuana. The provinces are given 75 percent of the revenue. Sales taxes as well amount to 5-15 percent.

Legalization of marijuana has resulted into less cases of minors accessing the drug because the black market which was responsible for all that mess is diminishing. Conviction records for the consumers who had committed crimes that have since then been declared legal, no fees charged and waiting periods. This is a relief for those who were unfortunate during the ineffective and long war on drugs. The government’s approach is thorough and positive changes, it needs to be monitored because there are a few kinks.
The strict packaging laws have ensured that there is no confusion on the brands. They cannot be accidentally sold to minors because companies are supposed to use plain packages and font size, color and style is regulated. The challenge is that illegal dealers have reduced the prices in order to compete and this has to be addressed.