Ingesting an excessive dose of THC can be scary even for proficient smokers. Before the legalization of medical marijuana, it was difficult for a novice to know the potency of home-baked brownies. Despite the new listing of THC content in foods, navigating can still pose some challenges. Hopefully, this guide will equip you with tips for taking THC edibles safely.
Tips to Safely Enjoy THC Edibles
Consuming between 10-25mg of THC will cause muscle relaxation as waves of bliss blanket you. Giggling is also common as you continue to feel relaxed and comfortable. The high can last for up to six hours, but this might vary depending on consumption. One’s metabolism will also play a significant role in how the body reacts to edibles.
However, it is vital to take caution when taking THC edibles, as overdosing could have grave repercussions. As newcomers often go through uncertainty and trepidation, we compiled a handy guide on taking THC edibles safelyto equip you with the dos and don’ts.
Read the package dosing carefully
Edibles on legal markets label their THC content in milligrams with the “normal dose” considered 10mg. It is, however, advisable for a low-tolerance user or a newbie to start with half of this. Another alternative is adding another 5 mg a few hours after the effects of the first dose have settled. Edibles can range from packages of 5mg to 100mg, as medical patients often need higher doses.
Until you are familiar with edibles and how your body reacts to them, it is better to start low and climb the ladder slowly. Alternatively, you can opt for micro-dosing as this will stimulate the body’s cannabinoid receptors and improve focus and creativity.
Know your tolerance
Starting with small doses is a good idea for both first-timers and users who have not used it in a while. Your tolerance level will determine how much you can take and at what intervals. Low THC tolerance makes one susceptible to adverse effects such as anxiety and paranoia.
We can agree that an underwhelming experience is way better than an overwhelming one. As much as you want to keep up, taking THC edibles safely is vital for pleasant experiences.
Exercise patience
It can be hard to sit around and wait for the effects to kick in while delicious infused snacks are staring at you. However, with cannabis, you can’t snack on handfuls; if you happen to lose track, you might be in for a rough ride. Developing the practice of taking a dose and waiting it out will ensure you have an excellent in-control experience.
Again, your metabolism will play a crucial role in how long it will take for the edibles to kick in, making it necessary to resist snacking.
Mind your stomach contents
Putting into consideration how much you have had to eat and drink goes a long way. On an empty stomach, edibles are likely to kick in quicker and if this is the case, start with half the dose. If you’ve had alcohol, take moderate doses as alcohol significantly increases THC blood concentration.
Finding a comfortable place
Finding a comfortable, familiar place gives you a better experience. Ensure you have your friend or partner with you, especially for first-timers, just in case something goes wrong. It would not hurt to take precautions. A familiar face will also keep the anxiety at bay.
Bottom line
The first time might not go as anticipated, but you will get hung off it and become comfortable with time. But before then, have people around as you consume your edibles and enjoy the bliss, relief, and laughter that comes along. Furthermore, keep the guidelines we whipped up for you in mind, and all will be well.