From the time recreational marijuana legalization was effected, there are some effects that will be noticeable both on short and long-term basis in relation to economic growth. The Canadian economy has taken a new form, according to a reliable projection from the financial experts; the sales of marijuana could result to approximately $ 5 billion annually. There are even huge returns expected from the use of legal marijuana, though this would also affect the companies, consumers and the government at large. However it is good to keep a close eye as an investor as this is the best way when it comes to dealing with lucrative investments.
Coming to health issues, the legalization of marijuana could as well cause a bad health effect to the young users. Now that it has been legalized the chances of users using will be high and heath experts warn of increased chances of stroke. Again, the parents or adults who are using marijuana could cause more problems to the children around them since the ingestion of second hand smoke.
There is also a possibility that users will not be in position to know which quantity is enough for them now that it is legal. The health providers would not be in the best position to determine, when one has had an ‘overdose’. This means there will be division on how exactly marijuana should be used as the chances of regulating will be much reduced.

The legalization of marijuana in Canada has made it an eye opener for investors who want to make maximum gains for as long as the law lasts. Being the widely used substance in Canada, it goes without saying, that it can be a lucrative venture for investors. The government on the other hard has the responsibility to harden rules in a bid to do away with any criminal offences or practices that are done in contradiction to the same reasons why marijuana was legalized.
Among some of the provisions that are provided by the government under the legalization of marijuana include, the distribution is solemnly controlled by the provincial government, adults have the permission to plant cannabis around their homes, residents can be in possession of up to 30g of marijuana, the minimum age for the possession of marijuana should be 18 years though the provinces are free to make any changes. Well, these conditions are meant to safeguard the users and reinforce security within individual provinces. All the same, much has to be done owing to the fact that a considerable number of users are involved. It’s not easy, not hard either but what matters is that the real aim of legalizing marijuana is felt.
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